A Funeral of My friend's Uncle
Last weekend, i attended my friend's funeral at the countryside. when i reached at the reception, i saw a lot of people who were relatives, neighbors,laymen, laywomen and ghost bury came to show respect for the dead person. Some people prepared a good traditional coffin and some prepared the cremation in the house. Whereas the ghost buries tied some traditional flags and flowers for the reception. All the relatives, friends and village people wore special black and white clothes in order to show their sadness for the dead body that had die. This funeral held three days according to the ability of my friend's family to pay. My friend and his family were sorry to the dead person because he was an important man in the whole family. He was a husband, brother,father, uncle of alive people.They were upset and disappointed because they did not want their lover to have gone away from them. At night, i saw a number of old men and women come to pray for the dead person and listened to the monks to advise about human beings. what is born, dies were sin, when mans have their bodies, they would suffer in their lives. Thus we did not worry about our death. no one could escape this thing. In the morning all the relatives brought some food to give the monks.And then they made the procession to carry the dead body that was in the coffin to display at the cremation.i and people walk around the cremation three times and then we cremated. All the relatives and neighbors threw the flowers, Incenses,candles. The monks concentrated and prayed the scripture for the dead person.when they finished to cremated, thveey choose some bones for keeping in the stupa at the pagoda. At the end, i had to turn back home at three o'clock because i had to teach my class at home, in my opinion, i think that our custom is very good for all the people in Cambodia, we help each other when we have some problems such as a funeral. they help us we help them, these things are good tradition and custom that we can not forget in our liver in the present.
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